Friday, September 2, 2011

How To Protect And Preserve Your Singing Voice

Do you have a good voice for singing? Everyone can work with good vocal exercises to improve their voice quality. However your voice can be destroyed if you do not protect your vocal cords from damages. Therefore if you want to preserve a good singing voice, then you must know what to do in order not to lose it.

Some of the things we are to discuss may be sheer common sense, but the problem is that many singers do not even bother with them. Take for example warming up your voice before you sing. Many people don't do that. Even some professionals take it for granted.

When your vocal folds are properly warmed up, they are more flexible and pliable. You can then be able to sing with more flexibility and can hit higher notes more easily. Failing to properly warm up before using your voice can cause strains on your vocal folds and in the long run, your vocal cords can be damaged.

As with warming up before you sing, do you cool down your voice after a performance or practice session? Many people think that performing cooling down exercises after singing is not important. They are wrong because when you sing, you build up tension in your singing and voice mechanism and as such you have to release the tension.

Furthermore, the tension can last for a long time and accumulate even more tension the next time you sing and in the end is that your singing will sound very strained until real physical damage is done to your vocal cords. So you need to cool down after each singing session to prevent this from happening.

Do you speak loudly in day to day conversations or do you shout, yell or scream when you sing? Many people do not know that doing all those things mentioned can damage to their vocal cords. You need proof?

If you listen to all heavy metal rock singers when they speak, you will find that all of them have raspy scratchy voices. Steven Tyler, one of the judges for The American Idol is no exception. If you are a rock star, then a raspy voice may be considered as being sexy, but most singers are not rock stars and besides, do you want to have a permanent scratchy voice.

Are you a smoker? If you intend to continue smoking, then say goodbye to a smooth sexy velvety voice. Look, if smoking can cause massive throat cancer that can destroy the entire throat, needless to say, grave damages are being done to your vocal cords each time that you smoke.

What about your breathing technique? Are you trained to breathe with your diaphragm when singing? In fact, breathing with your diaphragm is the right way to breathe even when you are not singing.

All babies naturally breathe with their diaphragm and that is why they can throw their voices so far when they cry. The weird thing is that as we grow older, most of us simply lost this ability.

When you are breathing correctly when you sing, your voice will soar effortlessly and you are able to hold notes steadily or even longer. As such, you will less likely be straining your vocal cords because your singing will be smoother and easier. So if you want to have a good singing voice, then you must know how to cherish, protect and preserve it.

Chris Chew is a music consultant and said that if you want to be a good singer, then read How to be a good singer and how to be a better singer and become a star.

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